North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon

Convocation Ceremony

Note : Please click on the appropriate link from following

Convocation Ceremony


·  Detail information about Convocation Ceremony



·  College wise window for Degree Distribution

·  Total Number of Students Eligible for awarding degree at 22nd Convocation Ceremony (In respect of Exam Oct-2012 and April-2013)

·  Statistical Information in respect of students applied for 22nd Convocation Ceremony

·  List of students who have applied for Degree Certificates with Degree Code

·  List of Gold Medalists

·  Instructions for Gold Medalists 

·  Consent Letter Format (Send upto 15th May) and Letter to Gold Medalist student

·  Instructions for Ph.d. Students and other Students

·  Letter to the Ph.D. Student for 22nd Convocation.pdf

·  List of Ph.D. Students

Disclaimer : - North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon is not responsible for any inadvertent error that may have  crept in the infomation being published on net. The information published on net are for immediate  information to the Students.